Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Movies, Part 2: The Movies I Don't Tell Most People That I Like

Let's get really real right now.  I have some movies I absolutely love, and most of the time I just keep it to myself.  I don't know if I would call it shame, but I most certainly wouldn't have these listed on Facebook.

Probably because I don't have a Facebook on which to do that.  Join me in the rebellion, fam.

But perhaps the reason is the social pressure that I guess we all fall victim to at some point.  Even though I do my best not to give in to such whimsicality, I must admit that until I started typing this post only a select few would have known of my love for these movies.  

Now the whole world could know if they wanted to.  Provided they have access to a computer.  And the internet.  And searched the exact phrasing that led them to this obscurity of a blog.

Rambling aside, these five movies are but a select few of those that could be listed.  I honestly feel like these would be the most socially acceptable to claim enjoyment from.  So hear goes:

1.  Despicable Me - This movie is freakin' hilarious.  If anyone ever reads this blog and hasn't seen it, stop reading and go Redbox the jaundice out of that movie right now.  I have had debates with my wife about whether or not to name our little infant girl (SKELETOR!!!!) after the unicorn-adoring Agnes.  That is how unbelievably cute she is, and how much I love this movie. 

2.  Fantastic 4 - Whaaaaat?  This movie is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen and each time I watch it I cannot for the life of me figure out why.  I saw it twice in theatres.  TWICE!  There have only been two other movies that I have paid to see multiple times, and future posts will reveal what they are.  It must be the lack of thought that needs to be put into understanding the movie, or maybe its the sweet rock dude falling in love with the blind chick.  Who knows - who cares.  It's amazing.

3.  The Wizard of Oz - Here's where ish gets real.  I watched this movie so many times when I was a kid that I often find myself saying the lines without even thinking about it - AND MAKING THE VOICES!  I sing along with every song, and I can't stand the Wicked Witch of the West.  To clarify, if I had lived back then I would have avoided any opportunity to meet the actress who played her in person.  That's how much I hated her.  Enough to treat the actress as if she wasn't acting.  But the movie is amazing.

4.  Live Free or Die Hard - This one probably comes from watching it at my Penn State bachelor party.  I'm pretty positive that we had half of a leftover keg of beer and a bottle of Manischewitz.  Which means (because I had just turned 21) that I had a beer in one hand and the sacrament in the other.  Meanwhile, I watched Bruce Willis crash his car into a flying helicopter and mount a jet as it flew underneath a highway.  I'm not kidding.  That should be enough to warrant watching the movie twice a day for two weeks.

5.  The Holiday - Last but not least I would like to throw all of my masculinity out the window and say that this movie is one of my all time favorites.  There is nothing wrong with it.  It was cast perfectly.  I don't care what anyone says: Jack Black was the best person for that role.  I had to stifle tears when the little girl calls her family the three musketeers.  If you were a decent human being you would too.


But seriously.

So there it is.  My reputation laid out on the blog/table for all to see and witness.  Laugh if you must, but I do not regret loving any of these movies.  Go watch them and try to act like they aren't amazing - just try.  What else are you doin' right now?


  1. Jeremiah,

    Great movie choices. I have yet to acquire the courage to list my movies, cause one might be "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and you know how people can misunderstand the things we watch and do. Love you guys. Got to go pray, or play depending on my spelling or the use of letters. Yes I am strange at times. he, he, he!

  2. Are you majoking me right now? What kind of sick freak would not support the love of at least 4 of these 5 movies?

    Despicable Me is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The part where the shark is trying to jump through the glass floor had me in tears both times I watched it. And that part isn't even that funny. I vote yes on Agnes

  3. I can't wait until you come live here and convince my wife - your sister - to choose Agnes.
