Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Movies, The Final Installment: Amazing Cinema

As these posts come to a close, I find myself having less to say about the movies I am recommending to the general public.  It would seem logical that this post would be the most involved as it will reference some of the most amazing cinema I have ever witnessed, but I am at a loss for words.  I feel like these movies speak for themselves.

So technically they should have already told you about themselves? 

Anyway, I have cited in other posts that I don't expose myself to that which will make me feel the need to take a shower later.  If taken too far, that argument could be used to justify forgoing movies like Finding Nemo or The Lion King because of the topics those movies touch on.  People have different levels of tolerance for movies and what they will and won't expose themselves to.  I feel with some cinema there comes a point when there is not enough positive take away to overcome the negativity being sprayed in my grill.  But I acknowledge that I am a conservative dude, so to each their own.

So as I reveal these amazing movies, I will split them into three lists:  movies that don't cross the line and are amazing, movies that are too much for me but are really freakin' good, and movies that I love but are probably not that good.

Amazing Movies That Don't Cross the Line:

1.  The Dark Knight - I saw this movie FOUR TIMES in theatres.  FOUR TIMES!!  I probably gave a solid $80 to $100 dollars to the benefit of this film via ticket and concession expenses.  Someone had to help pay Heath Ledger's child support...

2.  Invincible - I love Philadelphia, but I know that not everyone else does.  I can't for the life of me figure out why, but I promise after watching this movie it will be a struggle to continue hating on the best city in the state of PA.

3.  Inception - Two reasons to watch this movie:  Leonardo DiCaprio.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

4.  The Prestige - This is the third movie I have mentioned that is directed by Christopher Nolan.  Perhaps he is the reason they are so phenomenal.  Either way, bring your thinking caps and your David Bowie wigs to this one.

5.  The Bourne Ultimatum - The Bourne series is amazing, so watch the first two movies and then watch this one.  And marvel at the amazing things Matt Damon does time and time again.

Amazing Movies That Fly Over the Line Like a Bat Out of Hell:

1.  The Departed - I distinctly remember being so shocked by what I was witnessing that I crawled up the back of my seat in the theatre hollering in disbelief.

2.  V for Vendetta - Who knew someone could make wearing a mask so cool...

3.  Gladiator - Russell Crowe beats people up off set.  Probably why he was so successful in this role.

4.  Good Will Hunting - Matt Damon and Ben Affleck WROTE it. 

Amazing Movies That Probably Aren't Actually That Good:

1.  Blue Streak
2.  You Got Served
3.  Fool's Gold
4.  Angels in the Outfield

Yeah right...they are freakin' amazing.

Watch these movies!  What ELSE are you doin' right now?


  1. What would The Matrix fall into?

  2. I could see that one going into the first list in this post. Definitely a solid flick - but personally I would only include the first installment of that trilogy.
