Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Christian Athletes

I am so excited to be going to the Dominican Republic because I can't wait to see people in a different part of the world who know and love and worship the same God that I do.  It blows my mind that all across this planet there are people who share my beliefs.  I think this same love is what makes me seek out other Christians within the media and on television.  

That's probably why I love rooting for Christian athletes.  I feel like we are on the same team.  I feel like the success they experience is shared by the all of the Christians across the world.  Perhaps that is taking it a little too far.  Perhaps those thoughts are strange.  But I still cheer relentlessly for those that I know are serving the Lord with their gifts.

I remember when Josh Hamilton was in the Home Run Derby and hit 28 home runs in one round.  It was one of the most amazing unimportant sports moments I have ever seen.  Unimportant because it was a home run derby which has no meaning beyond personal success.  Amazing because of what was happening.  He was replicating his swing in a way that enabled him to consistently hit inconsistently thrown slow pitches out of a Major League ballpark.  He had overcome drug addiction just a year before and was now displaying his talent and brute strength in front of a national audience.

At that point he had NO worldly reason to acknowledge anyone but himself. 

But he did.  He continually - through awkward interviews and situations - gave all the credit to Jesus Christ.  Not just God - Jesus.  What a complete rebel.  So many other people would have taken all of the credit.  But he gave credit to the God that created every quark of every proton of every atom of every molecule of every cell of the body he used to hit each and every one of those home runs.  

And all the while I felt like I was on his team - standing "beside" him as he made claims to what I also believe is true.  That Christ was who He said He was and did in fact do what He said He did.


So go find those people fighting for the cause with their gifting.  We really are one body - many members - praising one glorious and graceful God.  I mean really - what else are you doin' right now?

1 comment:

  1. So awesome- when are you going? Is it with your church?
