Friday, February 4, 2011


I have such an addictive personality.  I feel like whenever I get a new CD or book I can't put it down because I just need to know about it.  Whenever Brianna and I find a new place to eat I want to go there all the time.  I can't save stuff for later.

I wish that was true of other aspects of my life.  Like prayer.  And reading the Word.  

Lecrae just came out with two albums: Rehab and Rehab: The Overdose.  The idea is that we need rehab because of our addiction to ourselves and our desires.  In a world that encourages us to overdose on so many different things (money, drugs, sex) there is only one thing that will truly satisfy our desires.  So when we overdose, we should overdose on Jesus Christ.  Overdose on His Word.  Overdose on His Grace and praise Him for His Love and Mercy.

I just want to overdose.  I wish I could just let go sometimes and appropriately enjoy those things which were intended to be enjoyed in moderation.  I mean honestly - what else am I doin' right now?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love this blog already! You've got a real talent with words, Jer. (I'm also the same way with the whole addicted personality thing!)
