Thursday, January 27, 2011

11:23 on a Thursday night

I have to wake up at 6 am.  I know plenty of people will be getting less sleep than I will but honestly - what am I still doing up?  

I felt like I wanted to write some music like back in the old days. So here I am listening to the same instrumentals and realizing the same thing I have over and over for a while now...

Nothing is coming to mind.  

I can't force this stuff.  I have never forced this stuff.  It just comes to me.  When I look back to some of the lyrics I have written in the past I have no recollection of how they came to mind.  They just did.

So here I sit praying that God will begin to speak through me again, and so I figure the best way for God to do that is by reading God's word and seeing if anything speaks to me.

Something did.  No lyrics, but check this out.  What a glorious depiction of the God who hung the moon and the stars up.  What a wonderfully crafted piece of God-glorifying scripture.  I could go on forever baby...

And perhaps I will continually post about the goodness and majesty and glory of God.  Perhaps it will be when I talk about different things I love and gifts that God has chosen to bless this world with.  Perhaps it will be when I talk about things I hate and the need that this world has for a Savior.

Or maybe it will be a random post about the NBA.

Whatever it will be, I will continue to write because I just feel like there is so much inside that needs to get out.  It probably won't be ground-breaking.  It may not be original.  But it will be said nonetheless.

A blog about anything and everything.  Why, you might ask?

Well...what else am I doin' right now?

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